Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Our Acapulcan amiga

Friday evening was our second in Acapulco. The six of us walked all 100 meters from our motel suite to the beach to watch the sunset. While Adam and I bemoaned our sunburnt backs by sipping cans of Sol and Caley snapped modeling shots of Shaina on the sand, Ben and Sirisha noticed a young woman sitting near us, alone and looking very sad. Being the outgoing, nonthreatening people they are, they walked over and soon we were all chatting about Acapulco, the nightlife and the like, in Spanish due to Barnice's very limited English ability. Awesome. Numbers were exchanged by the end of the night, but we didn't expect much follow-up since of all the med students and interns we've exchanged contact info with, only one has actually ended up hanging out with us later.

Not so with Bernice. She called Ben Saturday evening and we met up with her at midnight at Barbarroja, an outdoor bar/dance club on the main strip. We all drank and danced, chatted and laughed, made silly balloon hats and danced some more. We discovered Barnice to be an drop-dead gorgeous, super friendly girl of exactly our age with an independent personality, a fun silly side, and the ability to dance flamenco (or something that looked like it). The four guys all fell in love with her for a night and Sirisha conversed with her like they had known each other for years. By 5am the bar announced closing time and we all crawled back to our respective beds, ending one of the most random and altogether enjoyable nights of the trip.

Acapulco, indeed.

Thursday morning I leave for another long weekend trip, this time to the Midwest to catch two weddings of some Yale friends. Two weddings, two receptions, cramming into motel rooms, and road tripping with college friends? Sounds pretty sweet to me. Plus, I should have enough time to get downtown and catch lunch with my Chicagoans during my 5 hour O'Hare layover on the way back. Did I mention awesome?

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