Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bolivia: a prologue

Mike (exiting the airport security line): Crap. When I put my computer back into my backpack, I didn't see the folder with my visa application materials.
Andrew: Uh oh. You sure it's not in there?
M: Nope. Checked all the pockets. Maybe I left it in the security line.

{Mike leaves the secure area, waits in line, checks all the bins, passes through security again}

M: Nope. Shit. You know, I definitely had it in your apartment. I bet I left it there.
A: Maybe you put in in the checked luggage.
M: There's no way to know. How much time do we have:
A: We board in an hour fifteen.
M: Shit. Alright, you wait here. I'll take a cab back to your apartment and see if I can find it.
A: Dude, that's crazy. You don't even know it's there. You might miss the flight.
M: Alright. Well what now?
A: Well what do you need?
M: Passport photo, visa application, copy of my immunization records, clinic letter, copy of my credit card and passport.
A: Hmm. (taps on iPhone) Well, there's a CVS 13 miles from here. You could do your photo there. But then you can't make copies.
M: I can't believe this is happening.
A: Maybe there's a business center here in the airport.

{Quick inquiry at the information desk: there's a UPS business center in the O'Hare Hilton.}

A: Great. And I can take your picture with my iPhone and email it to you to print out.
M: Okay. Let's find a white background..........oh here, the side of this kiosk desk is white.
A: Alright. Crouch down next to it and look straight.
A: Looks good. I'm emailing it to you now.
M: Okay. We have an hour...I'm going to run to the Hilton, print out the photo and the email attachments, and make the photocopies I need.
A: Good luck, man. I'll meet you at the gate.
M: Hopefully.

1 comment:

michelle said...

dude, this is only funny because i know you actually made it there. did you ever find it in your baggage?!